Presentations and lectures held within the framework of the project Theorizing Epistemic Violence since 2015
Feminist Concepts of Epistemic (and other) Violence, talk in the inter-disciplinary and inter-universitary online lecture series Power, Violence and the Sciences/Academia‘ (23 November 2023)
Why We Shall Talk, Think and Feel War. Epistemic Violence as a Mode of Rule in Colonial Modernity, Opening Remarks given [in German] at the Pastors’ Conference of the Evangelical Churches, Rust (28 August 2023)
Knowledge/Science and (Freedom from)Violence. Conceptions of Epistemic Violence at the Intersection of Critical Social Sciences, Cultural Studies and Humanities, presentation [given in German] at the Workshop ‚How to Proceed with Political Epistemology’, University of Freiburg/Breisgau (1 June 2023)
Epistemic Violence. Knowledge and Rule in Colonial Modernity, presentation [in German] within the framework of the Interdisciplinary Colloquium ‚Talking about Grief and Injustice‘, University of Flensburg (30 May 2023)
(Epistemic) Violence in Peace and Conflict Studies, contribution [in German] to the roundtable at the Annual Conference of the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies, Berlin (30 March 2023)
Science and (Freedom from)Violence Under Scrutiny, lecture given [in German] at the Workshop ‚Religion and Epistemic Crises‘, University of Hamburg (21 March 2023)
Imagine, It’s war – and Nobody Shows Up… Observations on the Militarization of the Present, KPÖ Education Center, Graz (28 February 2023)
Feminist Peace Work and Epistemic Violence. Challenges in Theory and Practice, lecture given [in German] at the Feminist Education Association Frauenhetz, Vienna (16 February 2023)
Education – A Site of Epistemic (and Other) Violence?, lecture [in German] within the framework of the lecture series ‘No War. Education as a Practice of Peace‘, online (19 December 2022)
Discursive, Cognitive, Affective Militarization, contribution [in German] to the panel discussion titled ‘Neutrality and War‘, Renner Institute Carinthia, Klagenfurt (December 2022)
Imagine, It’s war – and Nobody Shows Up…, lecture [given in German] at the Peace Enquête ‘Active Neutrality and Peace Policy in Times of Global Wars‘, House of Literature Graz (December 2022)
Knowledge and Rule in Colonial Modernity. Challenges for Critical (University) Education, lectures [given in German] at lecture hall occupations at the Universities of Vienna (November 2022) and Innsbruck (December 2022) within the framework of the initiative ‘The Earth is Burning‘
Gender Studies in/for Peace and Conflict Research, lecture [in German] at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, Hamburg (2 November 2022)
Epistemic Violence. Why We Need to Rethink Our Understanding of Democracy, Knowledge and Power, lecture [in German] within the framework of the Carinthian Talks on Democracy Education, Chamber of Labour Carinthia, Klagenfurt, stream (20 October 2022)
Epistemic Violence. Science and Rule in Colonial Modernity, lecture [in German] within the series ‚zu Besuch @ Cusanus Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung‘, Koblenz, public/online (16 February 2022)
Which Peace, Whose Peace – Which Education, Whose Education? Paper [in German] presented at panel titled ‚Laying Down Arms Through Education? Paths to a World of Human Rights’ [in German], Bertha von Suttner Private University, St. Pölten (9 December 2021)
Education – A Spot of Epistemic and Other Violence? Keynote [in German] at the Conference ‘Education for All – All Educated?’ at the Interdisciplinary Research Center Islam and Muslims in Europe, Sigmund Freud University Vienna (19 November 2021)
Epistemic Violence. What Knowledge/Science Has to Do with Power, lecture given and workshop held [in German] within the framework of the Conference ‘Knowledge in Crisis’ at the Research Center ‘Global Systems and Intercultural Competence’, University of Würzburg (13 November 2021)
Peace Education in the Colonial Modernity, lecture given [in German] within the framework of the Experts Workshop „Peace Education 2030‘, Berghof Foundation, Tübingen (21 September 2021)
Intersectional Feminist Analyses of the Colonial Modernity as an Asset for Critical Peace and Conflict Research, lecture given [in German] at the Symposium ‘Reflexive Approaches of Socio-Political Conflict Management’, University of Augsburg (18 September 2021)
Epistemic Violence – A Challenging and Rewarding Perspective for Peace and Conflict Studies, presentation [in German] within the framework of the seminar ‘Decolonizing Peace and Conflict Studies’ (Susanne Buckley-Zistel) at the Center for Conflict Studies, University of Marburg (June 29, 2021)
Thinking Further (Freedom from)Violence with Judith Butler and Gayatri Spivak, lecture and discussion [in German] with Lucia Hämmerle at Philosophers’ Nights, Frauenhetz Education Center, Vienna (21 June 2021)
Epistemic Violence. The Continuing Coloniality of Knowledge and Power as a Challenge for Psychology, lecture given [in German] within the framework of the series Violence and Discrimination in Psychology? at the Department for Psychology, University of Mainz (10 June 2021)
Knowledge/Science and (Freedom from)Violence. Terminology Work between Epistemology and Politics, lecture given [in German] at the Annual Meeting of Societas Feminarum in Iuris Theoria (SAFI), University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg (27 May 2021)
Epistemic Sisterhood. Feminist Research as Peace and Conflict Research, statement [in German] within the framework of the Gender Research Workshop at the University Centre for Women’s Studies and Gender Studies, University of Klagenfurt (6 May 2021)
Universitätszentrum für Frauen* und Geschlechterstudien, Universität Klagenfurt (6. Mai 2021)
Epistemic Violence and Intersectionality, lecture given [in German] within the framework of the course Intersectionality. Intersectional and Transnational Perspectives, Department of Development Studies, University of Vienna (27 April 2021)
Making of: Didactic Considerations on an ‘Introduction to Peace and Conflict Research’ between Description, Affirmation and Subversion, lecture given [in German] within the framework of the in-service training course Learning Teaching Digital, Peace Academy Rheinland-Pfalz jointly with the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies (22 March 2021)
Epistemic Violence: Tool and Challenge for Critical (Literary) Studies, lecture given [in German] within the framework of the Szondi Day at the Peter Szondi Institute of Comparative Literature, Free University of Berlin (30 January 2021)
Epistemic Violence. Knowledge and Power in the Colonial Modernity, Research Day of the Department of Educational Science and Research, Univeristy of Klagenfurt (25 November 2020)
Knowledge, Power and Epistemic Violence in the Colonial Modernity, lecture given [in German] as part of the online lecture series ‘The Responsibility of Insitutions of Higher Education. Armament Research and Perspectives on a Future without War’, University of Vienna (11 November 2020)
Epistemic Violence. Knowledge und Power in the Colonial Modernity, Book Launch and Discussion (with Aram Ziai and Manuela Boatcă), online (1 July 2020)
Rethinking Violence. Theorising Knowledge and Power in Colonial Modernity, lecture [in German], Institute for Intercultural and International Studies, University of Bremen (14 January 2020)
Knowledge <–> Violence. Basic Research for Political Science, Habilitation Colloquium, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna (27 November 2019)
Galtung & Bourdieu meet Butler & Spivak. Co-Conceptualising Structural, Cultural, Symbolic, Normative and Epistemic Violence, panel presentation, Millennium Conference 2019: Extraction, Expropriation, Erasure? Knowledge Production in International Relations, London School of Economics (19 October 2019)
On Wrestling with the Utopia. Knowledge and (Freedom from) Violence in the Colonial Modernity, lecture [in German], Gandhi-Symposium on Active Non-Violence, Linz (28 September 2019)
A Glossary of a Post- and De-Colonial Criticism of Science, lecture [in German] as part of the lecture series ‘Inter- and Transdisciplinary Science: Foundations and Practice’, Institute for Social Ecology, University of National Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (13 June 2019)
Beyond Spivak. Feminist Conceptions of Epistemic Violence, lecture [in German] within the framework of the Introductory Course on Gender Studies, University of Vienna (29 May 2019)
Rethinking Violence from Modernity’s Epistemic Territory, lecture given [in English] at Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Canada (15 April 2019)
Auto-Ethnographic Notes on the Symbolic and Epistemic Violence of Becoming a Proper Academic, panel contribution [in English] at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, Toronto (29 March 2019)
Epistemic Violence Reconsidered. Spivak Meets Galtung, Bourdieu and Butler, panel contribution [in English] at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, Toronto (28 March 2019)
From Here to There and Back Again: The Coloniality of Power, Knowledge and Being, statement [in German] at the Annual Conference of the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies, Erfurt (9 March 2019)
Tracing Epistemic Violence in the Works of Galtung, Bourdieu and Butler. A Eurocentric Critical Discussion of Broad Terms of Violence, panel contribution [in German] at the Annual Conference of the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies, Erfurt (8 March 2019)
Epistemic Violence, statement [in German] at the theory workshop of the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies’ Working Group on Theory, Düsseldorf (1 February 2019)
Epistemic Violence. Knowledge and Rule in Colonial Modernity, lecture [in German] at the Deparment of Political Science, University of Vienna (23 January 2019)
Peace Research in Colonial Modernity, statement [in German] at the meeting of the ‘Peace Research in Austria’-Network, Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Stadtschlaining (15 December 2018)
What Does a Peace Researcher Do? Interview with Melanie Hussak, Friedensakademie Rheinland-Pfalz, Landau (29. November 2018)
(Freedom from) Violence and Knowledge/Science. Challenges for Peace Education and Research in Colonial Modernity [in German], Landau Peace Lectures, University of Koblenz-Landau (28 November 2018)
Epistemic Violence. A Challenging Concept for IR-Related Fields, lecture given [in English] at 5th European Workshops in International Relations (EWIS)‚ European International Studies Association (EISA), University of Groningen (7 June 2018)
A Glossary of a Post- and Decolonial Criticism of Science, lecture given [in German] as part of the lecture series ‘Inter- and Transdisciplinary Science: Foundations and Practice’, Institute for Social Ecology, University of National Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (24 May 2018)
Peace and Conflict Research Today, statement delivered [in German] at the Annual Conference of the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies (AFK), Berlin (14 April 2018)
Attention: Tolerance!, lecture given [in German] within the framework of the Forum ‘Acceptance in the Extreme’ at the 11th Conference of the Austrian Network Against Poverty and Social Exclusion, Salzburg (6 March 2018)
Johan Galtung Meets Gayatri Spivak: Structural, Cultural, and Epistemic Violence, lecture given [in German] at the conference ‘Structural Violence. The Blind Spot of a Future Sociology of Violence?‘, University of Oldenburg (12 January 2018)
Squaring the Circle. Challenges for Peace Education and Research under Conditions of (Not Only) Epistemic Violence, lecture given [in German] at the research day of the Institute for Pedagogy and Educational Research, University of Klagenfurt (24 November 2017)
Epistemic Violence. What It Is, How It Functions, and Why We Should Know About It. Thoughts on Queer, Feminist and Anti-Militaristic Politics, lecture (and workshop held [in German], jointly with Thomas Mickan) as part of the series ‘When Does it Become Violence?’ of the Institute for Queer Theory, Berlin (16 November 2017)
Battle of the Sexes for the Occident? Entanglements of Sexism and Racism, lecture and workshop [in German], Women’s Service Graz (25 October 2017)
Battleground Gender. (Anti-)Feminist Debates as a Signature of Coloniality, lecture given [in German] as part of the lecture series ‘Gender on the Way to New Unambiguity?’ at the Institute for Social Sciences, University of Augsburg (26 July 2017)
A Glossary of a Decolonial Critique of Europe, lecture given [in German] at the summer academy ‘A World in Upheaval. Perspectives for a European Peace Policy’, Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR), Stadtschlaining (10 July 2017)
Expanding the Combat Zone. Sex-Gender-Culture Talk and Cognitive Militarization Today, panel contribution [in English] at the European Conference on Politics and Gender, Lausanne (June 2017)
Disciplinarity and Epistemic Violence. Post- and Decolonial Criticism of Science, lecture given [in German] as part of the lecture series ‘Inter- and Transdisciplinary Science: Foundations and Practice’, IFF Vienna Office (18 May 2017)
Epistemic Violence as a Challenge to the Claim of Non-Violence in Peace Studies, panel contribution [in English] at the Annual Conference of the European Peace Research Association, Schwerte (17 March 2017)
Coloniality and Decolonization, lecture given [in German] as part of the lecture series ‘Coloniality under De_Construction’ at the Department of Development Studies of the University of Vienna (9 March 2017)
Epistemic Violence – Problem and Tool of Peace and Conflict Research, statement given [in German] at the workshop ‘Peace Research and Decoloniality’, Alps-Adriatic University Klagenfurt, IFF Vienna Office (7 December 2016)
On Speaking and Remaining Silent in the Coloniality of Knowledge, lecture given [in German] at the symposium ‘Language and Power’ organized by the Pen Club Austria, Presseclub Concordia, Vienna (24 November 2016)
What is Epistemic Violence and Why We Should Know about It?, lecture given [in German] at the research colloquium ‘Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse Analysis’, Chair Prof. Reiner Keller, University of Augsburg (14 November 2016)
The Concept of Epistemic Violence as an Element of a Transdisciplinary Peace and Conflict Theory, contribution [in German] at the the research colloquium ‘Peace and Conflict Research’, Chair Prof. Christoph Weller, University of Augsburg (8 November 2016)
Against the Militarization of Thinking, panel contribution [in German] at the 2nd Feminist Round Table, Vienna (4 June 2016)
Toleranzig?, lecture given [in German] at the Annual Conference of Austrian Judges, Tröpolach (31 May 2016)
Gender and Political Violence in Discourse, contribution [in German] to the panel ‘Discussing Terrorisms’, Vienna (13 April 2016)
Why Peace Studies Need a Better Understanding of Epistemic Violence, presentation given [in English] at the Workshop ‘Exploring Epistemic Violence’, Queen Mary University of London (22 February 2016)
Towards a Concept of Epistemic Violence, presentation given [in English] at Work in Progress Theory Seminar, Queen Mary University of London (10 February 2016)
Accomplices of Conflict? Science and Cognitive Militarization, lecture given [in German] at the Annual Conference of the Information Point Militarization, Tübingen (14 November 2015)
Epistemic Violence and/in Peace Studies, lecture given [in English] at the 9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Giardini Naxos/Sicily (25 September 2015)
Understanding Global Inequalities by Investigating Epistemic Violence, lecture given [in English] at the 40th Anniversary Conference, British International Studies Association (BISA), London (19 June 2015)
Tolerance as a Privilege of Power, panel contribution [in German] at the First European Talks on Tolerance, Fresach (21 May 2015)
Thinking Further on Violence, lecture given [in German] as part of lecture series ‘Subversion and Political Difference’, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2 February 2015)
For a complete list of presentations and lectures held since 2010, visit the Research Information System of the Alps-Adriatic University Klagenfurt
Presentations and Lectures before 2010 Failed Feminism – Embedded Feminism. When Terrorism Studies Convert to Feminism, lecture held [in German] at the conference ‚No Playing around with Freedom‘, Austrian Feminist Scholars Association, Depot, Vienna (November 2009) Knowing Terrorism. When Terrorism Studies Convert to Feminism, lecture held [in German] at the conference ‘What is the Gender of Terrorism?’, Gunda Werner Institute, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin (October 2009) Female Suicide Bombers – an Object of Knowledge of Terrorism Research between Political and Epistemic Violence, lecture held [in German] at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH) at the University of Hamburg (June 2009) Female Suicide Bombers – an Object of Knowledge of Terrorism Research between Political and Epistemic Violence, lecture held [in German] at the Austrian Women’s Circle, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue, Vienna (February 2009) Suicide Bombing as a Formula of Meaning. Epistemic Violence and Occidentalist Self-Ascertainment in Terrorism Research, lecture held [in German] at the Department for Sociology, University of Munich (January 2009) Paths towards Knowledge. Epistemic Violence in the Methodologies of Terrorism Research. The Example of Suicide Terrorism as an Object of Knowledge, lecture held [in German] in the Sociology of Knowledge Discourse Analysis Network, University of Munich (November 2008) Suicide Bombing as a Formula of Meaning. Epistemic Violence and Occidentalist Self-Ascertainment in Terrorism Research, lecture held [in German] at the Institute for Postcolonial and Transcultural Studies, University of Bremen (November 2008) UnderCover. Book Covers as a Material of Visual Discourse Analysis on the (In)Visibilities of Terrorism Knowledge, lecture held [in German] in the Sociology of Knowledge Discourse Analysis Network, University of Landau (April 2008) Consternation, Politicization, Co-Optation. Embedded Feminism by the Example of Knowlede Production about Female Genital Cutting and Suicide Terrorism, lecture given (jointly with Daniela Hrzán [in German]) as part of the lecture series ‘Gender as a Knowledge Category’, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (January 2018)